T-level Preparation

The first cohorts of providers have delivered T-levels from September 2020. These videos describe ways in which these institutions prepare their offer of T-levels, as part of their wider work to be technical education 'routes ready'.

A Whole College Approach to T-levels


Barnsley College staff explain why implementing T-levels requires a whole college approach to preparation and delivery

Preparation Advice for T-levels


College staff describe their experiences of delivering T-levels in Childcare & Education, Construction and Digital and what their advice is for other colleges preparing to deliver T-levels

Progress towards T-levels



In December 2018, Lee and Morag update on early strategic planning to embed T-levels in their college's provision.

Preparing for T-levels



Lee Hunt and Morag Davis explain why their colleges have chosen to deliver T-levels from 2020, and the benefits the new programmes offer for their students.

Preparing for Industry Placements


Early actions from the college teams to get ahead with sourcing industry placements, and helping their students to take up these opportunities. 








Collaboration and Support


How the colleges are engaging with support available for T-level preparation at national and local levels.

Teacher development



Work to assess staff CPD needs, and meet these through national support and strengthening industry relationships.




Early planning to build understanding of T-levels throughout the college, for students, parents and employers.

Occupational maps for curriculum planning



In January 2018, teams in Manchester and Sheffield discuss how they are using labour market information and the technical education Occupational Maps to inform curriculum planning.

Curriculum planning

Curriculum planning using available outline content, details of T-level structure, and piloted industry placement models. (During 2019, T-level providers will be feeding into Awarding Organisations' development of specifications for the Technical Qualifications within the first three T-level programmes.)



