Support for Industry Placement Mentors

Next steps

This microsite is designed to help you become a knowledgeable, skilled and confident mentor to students on an industry placement. If you continue the mentoring role in future, you may want to carry on with your development as well.

This page contains information about:

Next steps in your mentoring journey

Accredited mentoring courses

Continuing professional development

Giving feedback about this site


Now is a good time to identify which aspects of mentoring you’d like to know more about and which skills you’d like to develop further.

If you haven’t already produced an action plan, download the blank template at the bottom of the page. There are also two or three questions linked to each of the 12 sections of this site, which might help you decide what actions to take.


Complete this 10-point checklist to review the aspects of the role you have covered, and to identify any aspects in which you need more training or support. If you identify areas for more support you could start by revisiting the sections of this microsite which cover these areas, and seeking out further resources to help focus on these areas, including the mentoring courses suggested below. 


  Aspect of the role Covered Need more training/support


The basic purpose of mentoring


The main mentoring functions and behaviours


Differences between mentoring and other relationships, e.g. management/supervision, coaching, counselling


How to reflect on personal experience and build self-awareness as a mentor


How to understand and adapt to students’ behaviour styles


Confidentiality and ethics e.g. dealing with difficult situations and disclosure


Forming and sustaining a mentoring relationship


How other stakeholders (e.g. line managers, supervisors, parents) are informed about the mentoring role


The culture of the work environment in which the placement takes place


Understanding of learning and development, as applicable to students


One option for further development is to take an accredited mentoring course, leading to a qualification. You could also choose a combined mentoring and coaching course.

Various awarding organisations offer accredited mentoring and coaching qualifications. They include:

CMI – Chartered Management Institute

City & Guilds

ILM – Institute of Leadership and Management

Some qualifications are kitemarked by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).


Continuing professional development – CPD for short – is a process for managing your own learning and development. It enables you to:

  • Keep a record of what you learn as a mentor
  • Capture useful experiences from mentoring students
  • Assess the benefits to your career of being a mentor
  • Decide whether to formalise your knowledge and skills by taking an accredited qualification

You may already use a CPD process. If not, you can find out more about how it works on the website of the CIPD, which is the UK’s professional body for HR and people development:

CPD is an investment that you make in yourself. It’s a way of planning your development that links learning directly to practice. CPD can help you keep your skills and knowledge up to date and prepare you for greater responsibilities. It can boost your confidence, strengthen your professional credibility and help you become more creative in tackling new challenges.

CIPD – Chartered Institute of Professional Development
